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Showing posts from March, 2017

Understanding Digital Marketing

Since the strategic management affects how an entire business is run, it should be developed and designed in consultation with the company team. Outlines the advertising methods you intend to use. Enables you to show up along with a plan and evaluate how efficient it's to the company. Profiles your competitors as well as your clients. Explains the role and position of your services or products in the marketplace. Describes the company and also its services or products. A digital marketing plan differs from a digital marketing strategy as the former is meant to be used for a long period, say a few years whilst the latter is reviewed after each year. The goals laid out in your advertising plan should concentrate on how your company will increase sales while retaining customers. At this stage, the advertising team ought to know how to package products and services, how to marketplace them, and how to cost them. A well laid out advertising plan helps the company to tailor mak...

How Digital Marketing Is A Must For Any Business

Digital marketing is a term used for marketing of products/services using digital technologies, mainly on google or the internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising on TV etc. Importance of Digital marketing There’s nothing to be doubtful about it, the world is rapidly shifting from analog to digital. People are consuming more of digital content on a daily basis on mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers at work, and companies have to introduce this in their marketing strategies. Because Digital marketing is not only a rapidly growing in the current marketing playing field, it is about to be the future of marketing, and it seems likely that digital media will soon replace more traditional forms altogether. While older generations will no doubt complain death about paper-based newspapers, books, communication methods and traditional TV and radio broadcasts, those who have grown up with the internet and mobile phones as a God-given right are alr...

social media marketing- A New way to promote your brand

Social media marketing   Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation are two intricately linked Digital Marketing strategies. They are different from their paid counterpart Search Engine Marketing in that both of them bring in organic search results to queries. That is, it is focused on link baiting and content optimisation to drive in traffic to your website. Social Media Marketing also called Social Media Optimisation or Social Media Promotion, if defined, is gaining attention, credibility and visibility through social networking websites. We are a US based agency much experienced in social media advertising. We run social media campaigns for online business to help them grow and achieve their business goals. Why SMM is beneficial: Social Media Optimisation supports SEO. SEO focuses on bringing more and more traffic to your website. Organically. Social NetworkMarketing boosts this process by: ·          Increasing...